The Ethos & Values behind Herland Roots


The cornerstone of our market garden is a move towards regenerative agriculture. The core aim of which is to strengthen the health and vitality of our soil, enhance the local ecosystem and increase biodiversity. We do this in a number of ways, including: ‘no dig’ practices, mulching the soil, companion planting, farming organically and without the use of harmful synthetic sprays or pesticides.



We aim to make local, nutritious and delicious food available to everyone. We are part of the growing movement towards local food production over the broken system presented to us by supermarkets and big corporations. We harvest our veggies fresh the day before (or sometimes of) delivery.



We grow the produce & we deliver the produce, within our local community. You, as the customer, can build a personal relationship with your grower. We want to be part of a community where we know where our food comes from. Get to know and understand who grows your food – ask us questions, message us or send a snap of your favourite meals that you’ve made with your veg that week!


No deliveries week commencing 31st March

With our continued ongoing (very exciting!) changes we won't be delivering our food boxes next week (first week of April). More info to follow!