Why Herland? Why Roots?

What’s in a name?

Herland is the name of the small family farm where Herland Roots market garden is situated. Herland has a fascinating, and very Cornish history.

Herland is named as such, so the story goes, because the land belonged to a lady in a time when few women would have been in ownership of land or property.

Herland was also once the site of a mine. Cornish miners once worked these lands in search of copper and tin. Alongside this, Herland has been the home of family farming on the land for generations.

Root is a word with so many meanings.

Roots are what attaches plants to the earth, and so in turn, growing produce in this way connects us to the earth too.

Going back to our roots‘ is a term we think about often – growing real honest food that remind us of the veggies our grandparents used to grow and eat. Fresh and full of goodness.

Root vegetables: beets, carrots, radish, turnips, parsnips – are the heart and soul of the food we grow.

Week Commencing 23rd February

Delivery days

Next week (w/c 23rd February) ALL ORDERS will be delivered on Wednesday 26th February. We anticipate most regular Wednesday deliveries to be delivered on Wednesday AM and most regular Thursday deliveries will be delivered on Wednesday PM.